Namek Dev
a developer's log

👨‍💼 About me

October 1, 2019

My name is Kamil and I develop software. I enjoy working on everything that’s useful (or fun). I used to work on software and games. Some of my hobby projects and open source contributions can be found on GitHub.

My journey on software development

It started at school times when nobody could help me learn my future hobby. Back then, being 14 years old, it was impossible to find any material in any local library and nearly impossible to find anyone interested in programming in that small town I was from.

My motivation came from a curiosity about how computer games work. However, it didn’t happen to be the only kind of investment of my time. I made my first small program being 14 years old. Years passed and I graduated with Bachelor degree in IT. I tried to be a professional gamedev for about 2 years and then left that industry. Now gamedev is just my hobby.

As time has flown I discovered one specific feature of myself - I just like useful stuff. For example, in gamedev I don’t have to code gameplay, I’ll happily make an API, a library or a GUI tool for you if that’s what you need. Someone’s need is a source of my motivation. I like to analyze and compare programming languages and technologies. But when it comes to development I don’t tend to pick the latest tech - I focus on development instead playing around. I go wild after hours though.

Past Experience

  • Android (2.x) development - mobile applications (Java), games using libgdx
  • Windows Phone 7/8 development - mobile applications in Silverlight/C#, games using Microsft Xna library
  • .NET - both Windows Forms and WPF applications
  • mobile game development - Adobe AIR, ActionScript 3
  • web development in e-commerce
    • websites and web applications using HTML5, jQuery, bootstrap, LESS, Angular and PHP with MySQL, ElasticSearch
    • front-end with ES6, TypeScript, AngularJS, Angular 2, Vue.js and lots of custom front-end solutions (custom controls or digging into frameworks)
    • backend mostly with Laravel (PHP)
  • maintenance and development of .NET tools for developers from Red Gate: ANTS Profilers, SmartAssembly (obfuscator), .NET Reflector (decompiler)
  • development of e-learning platform based on node.js, React, TypeScript

I like functional paradigm (OCaml, Scala, Erlang, Elixir and Elm). I’ve finished the course with certificate of Functional Programming Principles in Scala.


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