FooDock (or foo_dock) is quite useful component for foobar2000 music player. It is a dock component (or “floating window”), like FlashGet, BitComet, Free Download Manager etc. have. Originally it was created for dropping files to help adding them to the current playlist.
Unfortunately project isn’t maintained anymore. I stopped supporting it by 2010.
- drop files and add it to the current playlist (dropping folder will create new playlist!)
- dropping with SHIFT starts playing recently added files
- right click has some useful options like tray icon and more (try while playing)
- double click shows/hides foobar window
- scrolling over dock changes song
- balloon tip which informs what is played in the moment (on mouse hover)

FooDock settings
Download & Installation
Download FooDock component Now!
Just copy unpacked DLL file to foobar’s components subfolder. It may be: C:\Program Files\foobar2000\components.
For configuration, please have a look at Preferences->Advanced->Display->FooDock options.
Development experience
Project was implemented in C++ using classes and templates provided by foobar2000 plugin API. To create floating window (called “dock window”) I have used WinAPI. It was used also to implement Drag&Drop functionality, context menu, balloon tips and reaction to scrolling over dock.
There still are some bugs but there wasn’t much feedback out there so I wasn’t encouraged enough to fix them all. Anyhow, I personally use this component every day.
The project has got some attention on these forums:
Source code
I have posted the code on GitHub → Namek/FooDock