Namek Dev
a developer's log

I became a specialist, in a way

March 19, 2025

I never wanted to be a specialist as a programmer. I always strived for the “generalist programmer” title. Know it all and do it alone. No human dependencies. All questions answered internally. The all-seeing eye in the world of tech. And guess what, I think I didn’t fail too much on it. But hear me out.

→ Continue reading self-development, philosophy

WebAssembly: C++ and WebGL for js13k game jam

September 30, 2019
WebAssembly: C++ and WebGL for js13k game jam

Lately I had too much time and wanted to entertain myself by making a small game. Coincidentally, the js13k 2019 game jam was about to start. It’s themed around games made for popular web browsers that would fit in 13 kB (after compressing to .zip file). Since I am not a fan of JavaScript I decided to explore a topic I was interested in for a long time. WebAssembly. What’s the state of it, how does it work and what can we expect from it by coding in C++?

→ Continue reading c++, gamedev, javascript, webassembly, webgl, js13k

Micro Continuous Deployment: nginx with auto-SSL vs GitHub Webhooks for your dockerized application

April 18, 2019
Micro Continuous Deployment: nginx with auto-SSL vs GitHub Webhooks for your dockerized application

Let’s say you have a project hosted somewhere and want to publish it in a production manner. Meaning, it’s gonna get SSL. But, you also don’t want to modify your host server too much so you’d use the Docker for it, right? Aaand, want to have some mini continuous deployment where a merge action to default branch on GitHub would rebuild and restart the whole thing. Let’s make this real.

→ Continue reading docker, github, nginx

My small secret web weapon to bind things - rivets.js

May 22, 2017

Hey, I need something. Uumm. Yeah, I need… JavaScript template engine! No? Something more? A small library that would bind data to existing DOM, locally! Yes!

rivets.js - it’s not too popular but it works and it’s only 26 KB minified without gzipping (which would go to just 6 KB!). Let’s go through it’s features and see some snippets I’ve developed through few months.

→ Continue reading Daj Się Poznać, Get Noticed 2017, javascript, rivets.js, web

Serializing Java: inspecting data structure

May 12, 2017
Serializing Java: inspecting data structure

Every deserializer needs information about types - the data structure. In my serialization the deserializer can work behind network connection so it can’t count on Reflection mechanism. That’s why the serializer has to discover and serialize data structure that could be sent over the network and understood by deserializer.

This is Serializing Java - emerging series about writing your own serializer in case you didn’t like other serializers.

→ Continue reading Artemis Entity Tracker, Daj Się Poznać, Get Noticed 2017, java, Serializing Java